Social Media usage has increased to an all-time high level in today's digital world. The majority of the population uses social media tools (like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) to share their thoughts and experiences with the community. Analysing the sentiments and opinions of the common public is very important for both the government and the business people. This is the reason behind the activeness of many media agencies during the election time for performing various kinds of opinion polls. In this paper, we have worked towards analysing the sentiments of the people of India during the Lok Sabha election of 2019 using the Twitter data of that duration. We have built an automatic tweet analyser using the Transfer Learning technique to handle the unsupervised nature of this problem. We have used the Linear Support Vector Classifiers method in our Machine Learning model, also, the Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) methodology for handling the textual data of tweets. Further, we have increased the capability of the model to address the sarcastic tweets posted by some of the users, which has not been yet considered by the researchers in this domain.
翻译:在当今数字世界中,社会媒体的使用已增加到历史最高水平,大部分人口使用社交媒体工具(如Twitter、Facebook、YouTube等)与社区分享他们的想法和经验。分析公众的情绪和观点对政府和商界人士都非常重要。这就是许多媒体机构在选举期间积极开展各种民意测验的原因。在本文中,我们利用2019年Lok Sabha选举期间的Twitter数据,努力分析印度人民在2019年Lok Sabha选举期间的情绪。我们用转移学习技术建立了一个自动推文分析器,以处理这一问题的非监督性质。我们在机器学习模型中也使用了线性支持矢量分类法,也使用了TF-IDF(TF-IDF)方法处理各种推文数据。此外,我们增加了一些用户张贴的讽刺推文的模型处理能力,而该领域的研究人员尚未对此进行过研究。