In classic network security games, the defender distributes defending resources to the nodes of the network, and the attacker attacks a node, with the objective to maximize the damage caused. Existing models assume that the attack at node u causes damage only at u. However, in many real-world security scenarios, the attack at a node u spreads to the neighbors of u and can cause damage at multiple nodes, e.g., for the outbreak of a virus. In this paper, we consider the network defending problem against contagious attacks. Existing works that study shared resources assume that the resource allocated to a node can be shared or duplicated between neighboring nodes. However, in real world, sharing resource naturally leads to a decrease in defending power of the source node, especially when defending against contagious attacks. To this end, we study the model in which resources allocated to a node can only be transferred to its neighboring nodes, which we refer to as a reallocation process. We show that this more general model is difficult in two aspects: (1) even for a fixed allocation of resources, we show that computing the optimal reallocation is NP-hard; (2) for the case when reallocation is not allowed, we show that computing the optimal allocation (against contagious attack) is also NP-hard. For positive results, we give a mixed integer linear program formulation for the problem and a bi-criteria approximation algorithm. Our experimental results demonstrate that the allocation and reallocation strategies our algorithm computes perform well in terms of minimizing the damage due to contagious attacks.
翻译:在典型的网络安全游戏中,捍卫者向网络的节点分配捍卫资源,攻击者攻击节点,目的是最大限度地扩大造成的损害。现有的模型假设,在节点攻击只会造成破坏。然而,在许多现实世界的安全情景中,节点攻击会蔓延到u的邻国,并可能在多个节点(例如,病毒的爆发)造成损害。在本文中,我们认为网络保护传染性攻击的问题。研究共享资源的现有工作假设,分配给节点的资源可以在相邻节点之间共享或复制。然而,在现实世界中,共享资源自然导致保护源节点力量的减少,特别是在抵御传染性攻击时。为此,我们研究分配给节点的资源只能转移到其邻近节点的模式,例如,病毒的爆发。我们称之为重新分配进程。我们从两个方面看,这个更普遍的模型很难做到两个方面:(1) 即使对资源进行固定的分配,我们显示最佳的再分配是最佳的再分配,当我们进行最精确的再分配时,我们用最精确的再分配,我们用最精确的再分配来显示一个最精确的再分配。