Watching TV not only provides news information but also gives an opportunity for different generations to communicate. With the proliferation of smartphones, PC, and the Internet, increase the opportunities for communication in front of the television is also likely to diminish. This has led to some problems further from face-to-face such as a lack of self-control and insufficient development of communication skills. This paper proposes a TV-watching companion robot with open-domain chat ability. The robot contains two modes: TV-watching mode and conversation mode. In TV-watching mode, the robot first extracts keywords from the TV program and then generates the disclosure utterances based on the extracted keywords as if enjoying the TV program. In the conversation mode, the robot generates question utterances with keywords in the same way and then employs a topics-based dialog management method consisting of multiple dialog engines for rich conversations related to the TV program. We conduct the initial experiments and the result shows that all participants from the three groups enjoyed talking with the robot, and the question about their interests in the robot was rated 6.5/7-levels. This indicates that the proposed conversational features of TV-watching Companion Robot have the potential to make our daily lives more enjoyable. Under the analysis of the initial experiments, we achieve further experiments with more participants by dividing them into two groups: a control group without a robot and an intervention group with a robot. The results show that people prefer to talk to robots because the robot will bring more enjoyable, relaxed, and interesting.
翻译:观看电视不仅提供新闻信息,而且为不同世代提供交流机会。 随着智能手机、个人电脑和互联网的激增, 增加电视面前的交流机会也有可能减少。 这导致面对面的一些问题, 例如缺乏自我控制以及沟通技能的开发不足。 本文提出一个具有开放式聊天能力的观看电视的同伴机器人。 机器人包含两种模式: 观看电视的模式和对话模式。 在电视观察模式中, 机器人首先从电视程序提取关键字, 然后根据提取的关键字生成披露言论, 如享受电视程序的话, 也可能减少电视面前的交流机会。 在谈话模式中, 机器人以同样的方式生成了关键字的提问, 然后使用基于主题的对话管理方法, 包括电视节目中内容丰富的对话引擎。 我们进行初步试验, 结果显示所有来自三个组的参与者都喜欢与机器人交谈, 有关机器人兴趣的问题被评为6. 7-7 级。 这说明根据提取的关键字生成的披露言论, 以同样的方式生成关键字的提问, 然后用关键字句, 然后使用一个基于主题的交谈方式生成一个更清晰的话题的话题, 游戏参与者们可以享受一个更深层次。</s>