Using the subdivision schemes theory, we develop a criterion to check if any natural number has at most one representation in the $n$-ary number system with a set of non-negative integer digits $A=\{a_1, a_2,\ldots, a_n\}$ that contains zero. This uniqueness property is shown to be equivalent to a certain restriction on the roots of the trigonometric polynomial $\sum_{k=1}^n e^{-2\pi i a_k t}$. From this criterion, under a natural condition of irreducibility for $A$, we deduce that in case of prime $n$ the uniqueness holds if and only if the digits of $A$ are distinct modulo $n$, whereas for any composite $n$ we show that the latter condition is not necessary. We also establish the connection of this uniqueness to the semigroup freeness problem for affine integer functions of equal integer slope; this together with the two criteria allows to fill the gap in the work of D$.$Klarner on Erd\"os question about densities of affine integer orbits and establish a simple algorithm to check the freeness and the positivity of density when the slope is a prime number.