We study distribution-free property testing and learning problems where the unknown probability distribution is a product distribution over $\mathbb{R}^d$. For many important classes of functions, such as intersections of halfspaces, polynomial threshold functions, convex sets, and $k$-alternating functions, the known algorithms either have complexity that depends on the support size of the distribution, or are proven to work only for specific examples of product distributions. We introduce a general method, which we call downsampling, that resolves these issues. Downsampling uses a notion of "rectilinear isoperimetry" for product distributions, which further strengthens the connection between isoperimetry, testing, and learning. Using this technique, we attain new efficient distribution-free algorithms under product distributions on $\mathbb{R}^d$: 1. A simpler proof for non-adaptive, one-sided monotonicity testing of functions $[n]^d \to \{0,1\}$, and improved sample complexity for testing monotonicity over unknown product distributions, from $O(d^7)$ [Black, Chakrabarty, & Seshadhri, SODA 2020] to $\widetilde O(d^3)$. 2. Polynomial-time agnostic learning algorithms for functions of a constant number of halfspaces, and constant-degree polynomial threshold functions. 3. An $\exp(O(d \log(dk)))$-time agnostic learning algorithm, and an $\exp(O(d \log(dk)))$-sample tolerant tester, for functions of $k$ convex sets; and a $2^{\widetilde O(d)}$ sample-based one-sided tester for convex sets. 4. An $\exp(\widetilde O(k \sqrt d))$-time agnostic learning algorithm for $k$-alternating functions, and a sample-based tolerant tester with the same complexity.
翻译:我们研究的是无分配的属性测试和学习问题, 当未知的概率分布是 $\ mathb{R ⁇ d$ 的产值分配。 对于许多重要的功能类别, 比如半空的交叉点、 多边门槛函数、 convex 和 $k$ 的交替功能, 已知的算法要么具有取决于发行支持大小的复杂度, 要么被证明只对产品分销的具体示例有效。 我们引入了一种一般方法, 我们称之为下调, 解决这些问题。 下调时, 使用一种“ retial$ lideal literal tyal demodal tyal typeal lader $ max discrimetium etrial etrial etrical. $nal- listal excial etrial etrial etral, 从 $DRY\\\\\\ MADR=3, 美元 AStial_ a extial tal testal a.