Quick network address translation (NAT) is proposed to improve the network performance of the NAT system on the commodity server by three ways. First, the quick NAT search algorithm is designed to use the Hash search instead of the sequential search to reduce latency when looking up the NAT rule table. Second, to leverage the power of the multi-core central processing unit (CPU) and the multi-queue network interface card, Quick NAT enables multiple CPU cores to process in parallel. The localized connection tracking table and the compare-and-swap based lock-free NAT Hash tables are designed to eliminate the lock overhead. Third, Quick NAT uses the polling and zero-copy delivery to reduce the cost of interrupt and packet copies. The evaluation results show that Quick NAT obtains high scalability and line-rate throughput on the commodity server.
翻译:快速网络地址翻译(NAT)建议通过三种方式改进商品服务器上NAT系统的网络性能。首先,快速NAT搜索算法旨在使用哈斯搜索,而不是在寻找NAT规则表时进行顺序搜索,以减少潜伏。第二,利用多核心中央处理单位(CPU)和多队网络界面卡的力量,Quick NAT使多个CPU核心能够平行处理。本地连接跟踪表和基于比较的无锁NAT Hash表旨在消除锁顶部。第三,Quick NAT利用投票和零副本交付来降低中断和包件复制的费用。评价结果显示,Quick NAT在商品服务器上获得高度可缩和直线速率的吞吐量。