When studying the expressive power of neural networks, a main challenge is to understand how the size and depth of the network affect its ability to approximate real functions. However, not all functions are interesting from a practical viewpoint: functions of interest usually have a polynomially-bounded Lipschitz constant, and can be computed efficiently. We call functions that satisfy these conditions "benign", and explore the benefits of size and depth for approximation of benign functions with ReLU networks. As we show, this problem is more challenging than the corresponding problem for non-benign functions. We give barriers to showing depth-lower-bounds: Proving existence of a benign function that cannot be approximated by polynomial-size networks of depth $4$ would settle longstanding open problems in computational complexity. It implies that beyond depth $4$ there is a barrier to showing depth-separation for benign functions, even between networks of constant depth and networks of nonconstant depth. We also study size-separation, namely, whether there are benign functions that can be approximated with networks of size $O(s(d))$, but not with networks of size $O(s'(d))$. We show a complexity-theoretic barrier to proving such results beyond size $O(d\log^2(d))$, but also show an explicit benign function, that can be approximated with networks of size $O(d)$ and not with networks of size $o(d/\log d)$. For approximation in $L_\infty$ we achieve such separation already between size $O(d)$ and size $o(d)$. Moreover, we show superpolynomial size lower bounds and barriers to such lower bounds, depending on the assumptions on the function. Our size-separation results rely on an analysis of size lower bounds for Boolean functions, which is of independent interest: We show linear size lower bounds for computing explicit Boolean functions with neural networks and threshold circuits.
翻译:当研究神经网络的表达力时,一个主要的挑战是如何理解网络的大小和深度如何影响其接近实际功能的能力。然而,并非所有功能都从实际的角度看是有趣的:利益功能通常具有多球型的利普申茨常数,并且可以高效计算。我们调用满足这些条件的功能为“基质 ”,并探索将良功能与RELU网络相近的大小和深度的效益。正如我们所显示的那样,这个问题比非基质功能的相应问题更具挑战性。我们给显示深度-低基值的功能设置障碍:证明存在一个不能被深度多球型网络所近似的良性功能 4美元将解决长期的开放问题,并且可以高效计算复杂性。我们调用恒深网络的网络和不连接的网络的深度存在障碍。我们也可以用更低的(美元) 和更低基值(美元) 来研究内部偏差的功能。