The device-to-device (D2D) centralized coded caching problem is studied for the three-user scenario, where two models are considered. One is the 3-user D2D coded caching model proposed by Ji et al, and the other is a simpler model named the 3-user D2D coded caching with two random requesters and one sender (2RR1S), proposed in this paper, where in the delivery phase, any two of the three users will make file requests, and the user that does not make any file request is the designated sender. We allow for coded cache placement and none one-shot delivery schemes. We first find the optimal caching and delivery schemes for the model of the 3-user D2D coded caching with 2RR1S for any number of files. Next, we propose a new caching and delivery scheme for the 3-user D2D coded caching problem using the optimal scheme of the 3-user D2D coded caching with 2RR1S as a base scheme. The new caching and delivery scheme proposed employs coded cache placement and when the number of files is equal to 2 and the cache size is medium, it outperforms existing schemes which focus on uncoded cache placement. We further characterize the optimal rate-memory tradeoff for the 3-user D2D coded caching problem when the number of files is equal to 2. As a result, we show that the new caching and delivery scheme proposed is in fact optimal when the cache size is in the medium range.
翻译:3个用户的3个用户 D2D 编码缓存模型由 Ji 等人 推荐的3个用户 D2D 编码缓存模型,另一个是 3个用户 D2D 编码缓存模型由2个随机请求者和1个发件人 (RR1S) 的3个用户 D2D 编码缓存程序。 在交付阶段, 3个用户中的任何2个用户都会提交请求, 而未提交任何文件请求的用户是指定发送者。 我们允许编码缓存放置, 并且没有一发交付计划。 我们首先发现3个用户 D2D 编码缓存模型的3个用户 D2D 编码缓存模式的最佳缓存和交付计划, 而任何文件数量中, 3个用户 D2 D编码的编码缓存问题将出现新的缓存和交付计划, 3个用户 D2 D 编码的编码问题将使用3用户 D2RROD 编码的最佳方案, 以 2RRW 和2 新的交付计划中的新缓存和交付计划中, 3个文件的缓存方案将显示为2个最佳交易的当前最佳交易重点。