项目名称: 基于重排序的多方(半)量子秘密分享协议研究
项目编号: No.11205115
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学II
项目作者: 高干
作者单位: 铜陵学院
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 在量子通讯中,人们总是希望所使用的量子装置越少越好、越简单越好,这样既经济又有利于实验上实现。因此使得Boyer等人在2007年提出的半量子密钥分配协议备受关注。该协议中仅一方是量子的,另一方是经典的,但产生的密钥仍具有无条件安全性。本项目研究内容(1):利用"重排粒子序",将首次提出多方半量子秘密分享协议。在被提的协议中仅Boss是量子的、拥有量子装置,所有Agent都是经典的、无量子装置。内容(1)的研究将有助于解决半量子秘密分享的整个理论问题;研究内容(2):将联合"重排粒子序"与"酉操作"或者"Qubit判断操作",提出若干具有集体窃听检测特征的多方量子秘密分享协议。在该特征协议中,所有Agent的量子装置相对较简单。内容(2)的研究将丰富具有这种特征的量子秘密分享协议。
中文关键词: 多方半量子秘密分享;重排序;纠缠态;窃听;
英文摘要: In a quantum communication, people always hope that the used quantun devices are as few as possible, and as simple as possible, which is not only economical, but also propitious to experiment. According to this reason, the semiquantum key distribution protocol that Boyer et al. proposed in 2007 is noticed greatly. In their protocol, although one party is quantum and the other party is classical, the formed keys are unconditionally secure. Enlightened by Boyer et al.'s protocol, we will propose a multiparty semiquantum secret sharing protocol, in which only the boss is quantum and all the agents are classical, and the rearranging orders is employed. By investigating, we don't see a reprt that a multiparty semiquantum secret sharing protocol is proposed up to now. In addition, based on rearranging orders, we will propose several multiparty quantum secret sharing protocols with the collective eavesdropping-check character, in which unitary operations or judging-qubit operations are employed. In the several protocols with the character, it will be seen that the quantum devices which agents need are quite simple.
英文关键词: multiparty semiquantum secret sharing;rearranging order;entanglement state;eavesdropping;