We introduce Structure from Action (SfA), a framework to discover 3D part geometry and joint parameters of unseen articulated objects via a sequence of inferred interactions. Our key insight is that 3D interaction and perception should be considered in conjunction to construct 3D articulated CAD models, especially for categories not seen during training. By selecting informative interactions, SfA discovers parts and reveals occluded surfaces, like the inside of a closed drawer. By aggregating visual observations in 3D, SfA accurately segments multiple parts, reconstructs part geometry, and infers all joint parameters in a canonical coordinate frame. Our experiments demonstrate that a SfA model trained in simulation can generalize to many unseen object categories with diverse structures and to real-world objects. Empirically, SfA outperforms a pipeline of state-of-the-art components by 25.4 3D IoU percentage points on unseen categories, while matching already performant joint estimation baselines.
翻译:我们引入了结构行为学(SfA),这是一种通过推断交互序列发现未见过的关节物体的3D部位几何和关节参数的框架。我们的关键看法是,在构建3D关节式CAD模型时应将3D交互和感知视为相互关联的,特别是对于在培训期间未见的类别。通过选择信息性互动,SfA发现了零件并揭示了遮挡面,例如关闭的抽屉内部。通过在3D中聚合视觉观察结果,SfA可以准确地分割多个部件,重建部件几何形状,并在规范坐标系中推断所有关节参数。我们的实验证明,一个在模拟中训练的SfA模型可以推广到许多具有不同结构和真实世界物体的未见过的物体类别。从经验上讲,SfA在未见类别上比最先进的组件管道高出25.4 3D IoU百分点,同时匹配已经表现出色的关节评估基线。