The latest message driven (LMD) greedy heaviest observed sub-tree (GHOST) consensus protocol is a critical component of proof-of-stake (PoS) Ethereum. In its current form, the protocol is brittle, and intricate to reason about, as evidenced by recent attacks and patching attempts. We report on Goldfish, a considerably simplified variant of the current protocol, and a candidate under consideration for a future Ethereum protocol upgrade. We prove that Goldfish is secure in synchronous networks under dynamic participation, assuming a majority of the nodes (called validators) follows the protocol. Goldfish improves over Nakamoto's longest-chain consensus in that it is reorg resilient (i.e., honestly produced blocks are guaranteed inclusion in the ledger) and supports fast confirmation (i.e., the expected confirmation latency is independent of the desired security level). We show that subsampling validators can improve the communication efficiency of Goldfish, and that Goldfish is composable with finality gadgets and accountability gadgets, which improves state-of-the-art ebb-and-flow protocols. Akin to traditional propose-and-vote-style consensus protocols, Goldfish is organized in slots, at the beginning of which a leader proposes a block containing new transactions, and subsequently members of a committee take a vote towards block confirmation. But instead of using quorums, Goldfish is powered by a new mechanism to carefully synchronize the inclusion and exclusion of blocks and votes in honest validators' views.
翻译:最新的讯息(LMD)是贪婪、贪婪、贪婪、观察的亚树(GHOST)共识协议(GHOST),是证据证据(POS)Etheum(Ethium)的关键组成部分。目前的协议形式是,协议是易碎的,令人费解的,最近袭击和补丁尝试也证明了这一点。我们报告Goldfish(Goldfish),这是当前协议的一个相当简化的变式,也是未来EEtheeenum协议升级的候选者。我们证明Goldfish(Goldfish)在动态参与下在同步网络中是安全的,假设大多数节点(所谓的验证者)都遵循协议。Goldfish(Goldfish)比Natoo(Nakamoto)的长期排除链共识(Listle-l-l-l-lancel)的共识(即诚实生成的区块块,保证被包括在分类中),并支持快速确认(即预期的确认) (即验证者可以提高Goldfrical-brodeal comm-pol ) 程序。我们证明,Gold-bbrodudeal-b-pal-mode-pol-pal-s the laction-modeal-pal-mocal laction-mocal-mocal-pal laction-pal-s) 由一个在新版本中可以提出一种对金-s-mocaltical-s 和制成成的、制式的、制式的、制式的、制式的、制式的、制式的、制式的、制式、制式、制式的、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制式、制