We consider twisted permutation codes, a class of frequency permutation arrays obtained from finite groups with multiple permutation representations of the same degree, introduced by Gillespie, Praeger and Spiga (and later studied by Akbari, Gillespie and Praeger), and develop a decoding algorithm for such codes based on earlier work of the first author for permutation group codes. In particular, we show how to implement this algorithm for an infinite family of groups considered by Akbari, Gillespie and Praeger.
翻译:我们考虑扭曲排列码,它是由具有同一阶数多个排列表示的有限群获得的频率排列数组的一类,这种码被 Gillespie、Praeger 和 Spiga 引入(后来被 Akbari、Gillespie 和 Praeger 研究),并针对这种码基于第一作者先前对于排列群码的研究开发了一种解码算法。特别是,我们展示了如何为 Akbari、Gillespie 和 Praeger 考虑的一族无限群实现这种算法。