Weather nowcasting consists of predicting meteorological components in the short term at high spatial resolutions. Due to its influence in many human activities, accurate nowcasting has recently gained plenty of attention. In this paper, we treat the nowcasting problem as an image-to-image translation problem using satellite imagery. We introduce Broad-UNet, a novel architecture based on the core UNet model, to efficiently address this problem. In particular, the proposed Broad-UNet is equipped with asymmetric parallel convolutions as well as Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) module. In this way, The the Broad-UNet model learns more complex patterns by combining multi-scale features while using fewer parameters than the core UNet model. The proposed model is applied on two different nowcasting tasks, i.e. precipitation maps and cloud cover nowcasting. The obtained numerical results show that the introduced Broad-UNet model performs more accurate predictions compared to the other examined architectures.
翻译:天气现在的预报包括短期内以高空间分辨率预测气象组成部分。 由于它在许多人类活动中的影响, 准确的现在的预报最近引起了广泛的注意。 在本文中, 我们用卫星图像将现在的预报问题视为一个图像到图像的翻译问题。 我们引入了以核心UNet模型为基础的新颖架构“ 宽UNet ”, 以有效解决这一问题。 特别是, 拟议的宽UNet 配有不对称的平行相平行演和 Atroth Space Pyramid 集合模块。 这样, “ 宽UNet ” 模型通过结合多尺度特征,同时使用比核心UNet 模型少的参数, 学习了更复杂的模式。 拟议的模型用于两种不同的现在的预测任务, 即降水图和云层覆盖现在的预测。 获得的数字结果显示, 引入的宽度UNet 模型与其他被审查的架构相比, 进行更准确的预测。