Higher-order functions and imperative references are language features supported by many mainstream languages. Their combination enables the ability to package references to code blocks with the captured state from their environment. Higher-order imperative programs are expressive and useful, but complicate formal specification and reasoning due to the use of yet-to-be-instantiated function parameters, especially when their invocations may mutate memory captured by or reachable from their arguments. Existing state-of-the-art works for verifying higher-order imperative behaviors are restricted in two ways: achieving strong theoretical results without automated implementations, or achieving automation with the help of strong assumptions from dedicated type systems (e.g. Rust). To enable an automated verification solution for imperative languages without the above restrictions, we introduce Higher-order Staged Separation Logic (HSSL), an extension of Hoare logic for call-by-value higher-order functions with ML-like local references. In this paper, we design a novel staged specification logic, prove its soundness, develop a new automated higher-order verifier, Heifer, for a core OCaml-like language, report on experimental results, and present various case studies investigating its capabilities.