In presence of multiple objectives to be optimized in Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE), Pareto search has been commonly adopted. It searches for a good approximation of the problem's Pareto optimal solutions, from which the stakeholders choose the most preferred solution according to their preferences. However, when clear preferences of the stakeholders (e.g., a set of weights which reflect relative importance between objectives) are available prior to the search, weighted search is believed to be the first choice since it simplifies the search via converting the original multi-objective problem into a single-objective one and enable the search to focus on what only the stakeholders are interested in. This paper questions such a "weighted search first" belief. We show that the weights can, in fact, be harmful to the search process even in the presence of clear preferences. Specifically, we conduct a large scale empirical study which consists of 38 systems/projects from three representative SBSE problems, together with two types of search budget and nine sets of weights, leading to 604 cases of comparisons. Our key finding is that weighted search reaches a certain level of solution quality by consuming relatively less resources at the early stage of the search; however, Pareto search is at the majority of the time (up to 77% of the cases) significantly better than its weighted counterpart, as long as we allow a sufficient, but not unrealistic search budget. This, together with other findings and actionable suggestions in the paper, allows us to codify pragmatic and comprehensive guidance on choosing weighted and Pareto search for SBSE under the circumstance that clear preferences are available. All code and data can be accessed at:
翻译:在搜索软件工程(SBSE)存在需要优化的多重目标的情况下,Pareto搜索被普遍采用。它试图将问题的“Pareto最佳解决方案”与“Pareto最佳解决方案”相近,让利益攸关方根据自己的偏好选择最优的解决方案。然而,当在搜索之前利益攸关方有明确的偏好(例如,反映目标相对重要性的一组权重)时,加权搜索被认为是首选,因为它通过将原始多目标偏好转化为单一目标,简化了搜索过程,使搜索工作能够侧重于只有利益攸关方感兴趣的问题。本文质疑这样的“Pareto最佳解决方案”的“Pareto最佳解决方案 ” 。事实上,即使存在明确的偏好,当利益攸关方有明确的偏好(例如反映目标相对重要性的一组权重)时,我们进行大规模的经验研究,包括三个具有代表性的SBSE问题中的38个系统/项目,同时有两种搜索预算和九套权重,导致604例的比较。我们的关键发现是,加权搜索达到一定的解决方案质量水平,但选择的是“加权搜索方法”中相对较少的检索,在S-ealto exeralalto exeral real real real real real real decal case,我们在搜索中的搜索中,我们可以大量搜索中的搜索中可以大量搜索中可以允许。