Lithium rich giant stars are rare objects. For some of them, Li enrichment exceeds abundance of this element found in solar system meteorites, suggesting that these stars have gone through a Li enhancement process. We identified a Li rich giant HD 107028 with A(Li) > 3.3 in a sample of evolved stars observed within the PennState Torun Planet Search. In this work we study different enhancement scenarios and we try to identify the one responsible for Li enrichment for HD 107028. We collected high resolution spectra with three different instruments, covering different spectral ranges. We determine stellar parameters and abundances of selected elements with both equivalent width measurements and analysis, and spectral synthesis. We also collected multi epoch high precision radial velocities in an attempt to detect a companion. Collected data show that HD 107028 is a star at the base of Red Giant Branch. Except for high Li abundance, we have not identified any other anomalies in its chemical composition, and there is no indication of a low mass or stellar companion. We exclude Li production at the Luminosity Function Bump on RGB, as the effective temperature and luminosity suggest that the evolutionary state is much earlier than RGB Bump. We also cannot confirm the Li enhancement by contamination, as we do not observe any anomalies that are associated with this scenario. After evaluating various scenarios of Li enhancement we conclude that the Li-overabundance of HD 107028 originates from Main Sequence evolution, and may be caused by diffusion process.
翻译:液态巨星是稀有的天体。 其中一些天体, 里浓缩超过了太阳系陨石中发现的元素丰度, 表明这些恒星已经经历了利力增强过程。 我们还在Penn State Torun行星搜索中观测到的进化恒星样本中发现了一个富豪HD 107028 和 A( 利) > 3.3 的李巨巨星。 我们研究不同的增强假想, 并试图找出对HD 107028 号升肥负责的恒星。 我们收集了三种不同仪器的高分辨率光谱, 覆盖了不同的光谱范围。 我们确定了具有等宽度测量和分析以及光谱合成的选定元素的恒星参数和丰度。 我们还收集了多级高精度的辐射速度和A( 利力) 1070 。 收集的数据显示, HD 107028 是红巨星分支基地基地基地基地的恒星。 除了高量外, 我们没有发现其化学构成中的任何其他异常现象, 也没有迹象表明, 低质量或星系伴。 我们排除了LIump RGB 的LiGB 的低度变变变化过程的生产, 。