Deep generative models have gained popularity in recent years due to their ability to accurately replicate inherent empirical distributions and yield novel samples. In particular, certain advances are proposed wherein the model engenders data examples following specified attributes. Nevertheless, several challenges still exist and are to be overcome, i.e., difficulty in extrapolating out-of-sample data and insufficient learning of disentangled representations. Structural causal models (SCMs), on the other hand, encapsulate the causal factors that govern a generative process and characterize a generative model based on causal relationships, providing crucial insights for addressing the current obstacles in deep generative models. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of Causal deep Generative Models (CGMs), which combine SCMs and deep generative models in a way that boosts several trustworthy properties such as robustness, fairness, and interpretability. We provide an overview of the recent advances in CGMs, categorize them based on generative types, and discuss how causality is introduced into the family of deep generative models. We also explore potential avenues for future research in this field.