Some hyperbolic systems are known to include implicit preservation of differential constraints: these are for example the time conservation of the curl or the divergence of a vector that appear as an implicit constraint. In this article, we show that this kind of constraint can be easily conserved at the discrete level with the classical discontinuous Galerkin method, provided the right approximation space is used for the vectorial space, and under some mild assumption on the numerical flux. For this, we develop a discrete differential geometry framework for some well chosen piece-wise polynomial vector approximation space. More precisely, we define the discrete Hodge star operator, the exterior derivative, and their adjoints. The discrete adjoint divergence and curl are proven to be exactly preserved by the discontinuous Galerkin method under a small assumption on the numerical flux. Numerical tests are performed on the wave system, the two dimensional Maxwell system and the induction equation, and confirm that the differential constraints are preserved at machine precision while keeping the high order of accuracy.