The kd-tree and Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) are well-known data structures for computing ray-object intersections. Less known is the Constrained Convex Space Partitioning (CCSP), which partitions space and makes the geometric primitives exactly overlap with the boundaries of its cells. Consequently, it is robust against ill-fitting cells that plague methods with axis-aligned cells (kd-tree, BVH) and it permits an efficient, stackless traversal. Within computer graphics, CCSPs have received some attention in both 2D and 3D, but their construction methods were never directly aimed at minimizing their traversal cost -- even having fundamentally opposing goals for Delaunay-type methods. Instead, for an isotropic and translation-invariant ray distribution the traversal cost is minimized by minimizing the weight: the total boundary size of all cells in the structure. We study the 2D case using triangulations as CCSPs and minimize their total edge length using a simulated annealing process that allows for topological changes and varying vertex count. Standard Delaunay-based triangulation techniques show total edge lengths ranging from 10% higher to twice as high as our optimized triangulations for a variety of scenes, with a similar difference in traversal cost when using the triangulations for ray tracing. Compared to a roped kd-tree, our triangulations require less traversal steps for all scenes that we tested and they are robust against the kd-tree's pathological behaviour when geometry becomes misaligned with the world axes. Moreover, the stackless traversal strongly outperforms a BVH, which always requires a top-down descent in the hierarchy. In fact, we show several scenes where the number of traversal operations for our triangulations decreases(!) as the number of geometric primitives $N$ increases, in contrast to the increasing $\log N$ behaviour of a BVH.
翻译:kd- tree 和 Bound 音量梯度( BVH) 是众所周知的计算 线性偏差路径交叉点的数据结构。 较不为人所知的是 Constraced Convex Space 分割空间并使几何原始与单元格的界限完全重叠。 因此, 它能抵御错误的细胞, 这些细胞与轴式细胞( kd- tree, BVH) 相撞, 并允许高效的、 无堆叠的穿透。 在计算机图中, CCP 在 2D 和 3D 中都得到了一定的关注, 但它们的构建方法从未直接旨在降低其轮性成本 -- -- 甚至从根本上反对Delaunay 类型方法的目标, 并且使得几何原始原始原始原始原始原始元素完全重叠。 标准, 通过最小化重量: 结构中所有细胞的总边界大小。 我们用2D案使用三角曲线作为 CSBP, 并尽可能缩小其总边缘长度, 使用模拟的编程进程, 使得表层- tregradeal droad deal 动作的动作在使用全方位变变的轨道动作时, 显示我们10 3级变的三角动作。