Stick-breaking priors are often adopted in Bayesian nonparametric mixture models for generating mixing weights. When covariates influence the sizes of clusters, stick-breaking mixtures can leverage various computational techniques for binary regression to ease posterior computation. Existing stick-breaking priors are typically based on continually breaking a single remaining piece of the unit stick. We demonstrate that this ``single-piece'' scheme can induce three highly undesirable behaviors; these behaviors are circumvented by our proposed model which continually breaks off all remaining pieces of a unit stick while keeping posterior computation essentially identical. Specifically, the new model provides more flexibility in setting cross-covariate prior correlation among the generated random measures, mitigates the impact of component label switching when posterior simulation is performed using Markov chain Monte Carlo, and removes the imposed artificial decay of posterior uncertainty on the mixing weights according to when the weight is ``broken off'' the unit stick. Unlike previous works on covariate-dependent mixtures, which focus on estimating covariate-dependent distributions, we instead focus on inferring the effects of individual covariates on the mixture weights in a fashion similar to classical regression analysis, and propose a new class of posterior predictives for summarizing covariate effects.
翻译:Bayesian的非参数性混合物模型往往采用棍棒前科,以产生混合重量。当共变影响组群的大小时,粉碎混合物可以利用各种计算技术来进行二进制回归,以方便子宫的计算。现有的刺碎前科通常以不断打破单件件件件件为基础。我们证明,这个“单件”的图案可以诱发三种极不可取的行为;这些行为被我们提议的模型所绕过,这些模型不断折断一个单位棒的所有残片,同时保持后继计算基本相同。具体地说,新模型为在生成的随机测量测量中建立交叉变异关系提供了更大的灵活性,在利用Markov链 Monte Carlo进行后代模拟时,减轻了部件标签转换的影响,并消除了按重量 " 折叠合体不确定性 " 的人为腐蚀。与以前关于依赖共变体的混合物的工作不同,这些混合物的重点是估算依赖共变体的分布。我们更侧重于推导出个体正变式模型对混合物的变式变式模型的变制结果的影响,以类似的方式分析。