Testing processes and workflows in information and Internet of Things systems is a major part of the typical software testing effort. Consistent and efficient path-based test cases are desired to support these tests. Because certain parts of software system workflows have a higher business priority than others, this fact has to be involved in the generation of test cases. In this paper, we propose a Prioritized Process Test (PPT), which is a model-based test case generation algorithm that represents an alternative to currently established algorithms that use directed graphs and test requirements to model the system under test. The PPT accepts a directed multigraph as a model to express priorities, and edge weights are used instead of test requirements. To determine the test-coverage level of test cases, a test-depth-level concept is used. We compared the presented PPT with five alternatives (i.e., the Process Cycle Test, a naive reduction of test set created by the Process Cycle Test, Brute Force algorithm, Set-covering Based Solution and Matching-based Prefix Graph Solution) for edge coverage and edge-pair coverage. To assess the optimality of the path-based test cases produced by these strategies, we used fourteen metrics based on the properties of these test cases and 59 models that were created for three real-world systems. For all edge coverage, the PPT produced more optimal test cases than the alternatives in terms of the majority of the metrics. For edge-pair coverage, the PPT strategy yielded similar results to those of the alternatives. Thus, the PPT strategy is an applicable alternative, as it reflects both the required test coverage level and the business priority in parallel.
翻译:用户系统的信息和互联网的测试过程和工作流程是典型的软件测试努力的一个主要部分。 需要使用一致和有效的路径测试案例来支持这些测试。 由于软件系统工作流程的某些部分比其他部分具有更高的业务优先程度,因此在生成测试案例时必须涉及这一事实。 在本文件中,我们建议使用一个基于模型的流程测试(PPT),这是一个基于模型的测试案例生成算法,它代表着一种替代目前建立的算法,该算法使用定向图表和测试要求来模拟测试中的系统。 PPPT接受一个定向多面图,作为显示优先事项的模型,并且使用边边边边重量而不是测试要求。为了确定测试案例的测试覆盖水平,使用一个测试深度概念的概念。我们将PPT与五个替代方法(即流程周期测试,一个由进程周期测试创建的测试数据集的天性减少,Brute Force算法,基于基础的解决方案和基于边平面的测试要求), 用于边缘和边边框覆盖的替代方法,使用边框重量重量重量值, 用于评估基于路径测试范围的战略的最佳范围,我们所使用的路径测试模型所使用的三个测试模型, 测试模型所使用的所有基测试参数测试模型的模型, 用于这些基础测试模型所使用的最优度测试案例。