This paper presents a general framework for the design and analysis of exchange mechanisms between two assets that unifies and enables comparisons between the two dominant paradigms for exchange, constant function market markers (CFMMs) and limit order books (LOBs). In our framework, each liquidity provider (LP) submits to the exchange a downward-sloping demand curve, specifying the quantity of the risky asset it wishes to hold at each price; the exchange buys and sells the risky asset so as to satisfy the aggregate submitted demand. In general, such a mechanism is budget-balanced and enables price discovery. Different exchange mechanisms correspond to different restrictions on the set of acceptable demand curves. The primary goal of this paper is to formalize an approximation-complexity trade-off that pervades the design of exchange mechanisms. For example, CFMMs give up expressiveness in favor of simplicity: the aggregate demand curve of the LPs can be described using constant space, but most demand curves cannot be well approximated by any function in the corresponding single-dimensional family. LOBs, intuitively, make the opposite trade-off: any downward-slowing demand curve can be well approximated by a collection of limit orders, but the space needed to describe the state of a LOB can be large. This paper introduces a general measure of {\em exchange complexity}, defined by the minimal set of basis functions that generate, through their conical hull, all of the demand functions allowed by an exchange. With this complexity measure in place, we investigate the design of {\em optimally expressive} exchange mechanisms, meaning the lowest complexity mechanisms that allow for arbitrary downward-sloping demand curves to be well approximated. As a case study, we interpret the complexity-approximation trade-offs in the widely-used Uniswap v3 AMM through the lens of our framework.
翻译:本文为设计和分析两种资产之间交换机制的设计和分析提供了一个总体框架。 两种资产之间的交换机制可以统一和比较两种主要交换模式、 恒定功能市场标记( CFMMMs) 和限制订单簿( LOBs ) 。 在我们的框架中, 每个流动性提供者( LP) 都向交易所提交一个向下扩展的需求曲线, 具体说明它希望按每种价格持有的风险资产的数量; 交易所购买和出售风险资产, 以满足所提交的总需求。 一般来说, 这种机制是预算平衡, 并能够发现价格。 不同的交换机制对应了一套可接受的需求曲线曲线的各种不同限制。 本文的主要目标是正式确定一个近似兼容性交易交易交易, 渗透交换机制的设计机制的设计。 例如, CFMMMS 提供了一种有利于简单化的表达性: LPs 总体需求曲线可以用固定的空间来描述, 但大多数需求曲线无法被相应的单维度家庭的任何功能所近似。 level- ROBs, 直截地说, 使交易机制与可反向不同的交易: 任何向下向下向下流的汇率的计算, 需要的汇率的计算, 通过一个固定的汇率的曲线可以通过一个固定的顺序来对一个固定的曲线进行精确的计算。</s>