This paper presents a method of normal estimation for mirrors and transparent objects, which are difficult to recognize with a camera. To create a diffuse reflective surface, we propose to spray the water vapor onto the transparent or mirror surface. In the proposed method, we move an ultrasonic humidifier equipped on the tip of a robotic arm to apply the sprayed water vapor onto a plane of a target object so as to form a cross-shaped misted area. Diffuse reflective surfaces are partially generated as the misted area, which allows the camera to detect a surface of the target object. The viewpoint of the gripper-mounted camera is adjusted so that the extracted misted area appears as largest in the image, and finally the plane normal of the target object surface are estimated. We conducted normal estimation experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The RMSEs of the azimuth estimation for a mirror and a transparent glass are about 4.2 and 5.8 degrees, respectively. Consequently, our robot experiments demonstrate that our robotic wiper can perform contact-force-regulated wiping motions for cleaning a transparent window as humans do.
翻译:本文提出了一个对镜像和透明天体进行正常估计的方法, 这些镜像和透明天体很难用相机识别。 为了创建一个分散反射面, 我们建议将水蒸气喷入透明或镜面。 在拟议方法中, 我们移动一个装在机器人臂顶部的超声波湿化器, 将喷水水蒸气喷入一个目标天体的平面, 以形成一个交叉形错位区域。 Difffuse 反射面部分作为错误区域生成, 使相机能够探测目标天体的表面。 握住的相机的视角被调整, 以使提取的错位区域在图像中显示最大, 最后对目标天体表面的平面进行估计。 我们进行了正常的估算实验, 以评价拟议方法的有效性。 对镜像和透明玻璃的方位估计值分别约为4.2度和5.8度。 因此, 我们的机器人实验显示, 我们的机器人擦影机可以进行接触力调节的擦除动作, 以便像人类一样清理透明窗口。