The capability of recurrent neural networks to approximate trajectories of a random dynamical system, with random inputs, on non-compact domains, and over an indefinite or infinite time horizon is considered. The main result states that certain random trajectories over an infinite time horizon may be approximated to any desired accuracy, uniformly in time, by a certain class of deep recurrent neural networks, with simple feedback structures. The formulation here contrasts with related literature on this topic, much of which is restricted to compact state spaces and finite time intervals. The model conditions required here are natural, mild, and easy to test, and the proof is very simple.
翻译:主要结果显示,在无限时间范围内某些随机的轨迹,可以被某类深层的中枢神经网络和简单的反馈结构所一致地在时间上接近任何预期的准确性。 这里的表述与关于这个主题的相关文献形成对比,这些文献大多局限于紧凑的状态空间和有限的时间间隔。这里要求的模型条件是自然的、温和的、容易测试的,而且证据非常简单。