We consider the problem of approximating an unknown function in a nonlinear model class from point evaluations. When obtaining these point evaluations is costly, minimising the required sample size becomes crucial. Recently, an increasing focus has been on employing adaptive sampling strategies to achieve this. These strategies are based on linear spaces related to the nonlinear model class, for which the optimal sampling measures are known. However, the resulting optimal sampling measures depend on an orthonormal basis of the linear space, which is known rarely. Consequently, sampling from these measures is challenging in practice. This manuscript presents a sampling strategy that iteratively refines an estimate of the optimal sampling measure by updating it based on previously drawn samples. This strategy can be performed offline and does not require evaluations of the sought function. We establish convergence and illustrate the practical performance through numerical experiments. Comparing the presented approach with standard Monte Carlo sampling demonstrates a significant reduction in the number of samples required to achieve a good estimation of an orthonormal basis.