Attempts to achieve robotic Within-Hand-Manipulation (WIHM) generally utilize either high-DOF robotic hands with elaborate sensing apparatus or multi-arm robotic systems. In prior work we presented a simple robot hand with variable friction robot fingers, which allow a low-complexity approach to within-hand object translation and rotation, though this manipulation was limited to planar actions. In this work we extend the capabilities of this system to 3D manipulation with a novel region-based WIHM planning algorithm and utilizing extrinsic contacts. The ability to modulate finger friction enhances extrinsic dexterity for three-dimensional WIHM, and allows us to operate in the quasi-static level. The region-based planner automatically generates 3D manipulation sequences with a modified A* formulation that navigates the contact regions between the fingers and the object surface to reach desired regions. Central to this method is a set of object-motion primitives (i.e. within-hand sliding, rotation and pivoting), which can easily be achieved via changing contact friction. A wide range of goal regions can be achieved via this approach, which is demonstrated via real robot experiments following a standardized in-hand manipulation benchmarking protocol.
翻译:实现机器人内部操纵(WIHM)的尝试通常使用高DOF机器人手,并配有精密的感测仪器或多臂机器人系统。在以前的工作中,我们展示了一个带有可变摩擦机器人手指的简单机器人手,它允许对内物体翻译和旋转采取低复杂性的方法,尽管这种操纵仅限于规划行动。在这项工作中,我们将这个系统的能力扩大到3D操纵,使用基于区域的新颖WIHM规划算法,并使用外源接触。调节手指摩擦的能力增强了三维WIHM的外源性伸缩性,并使我们能够在准静态水平上运作。基于区域的规划器自动生成3D操纵序列,配有经过修改的A* 配方,导航手指与对象表面之间的接触区域,以达到理想区域。这种方法的核心是一系列基于物体感动原始(即手动滑动、旋转和活动),可以通过改变接触摩擦来轻易实现。通过这一方法可以实现一系列广泛的目标区域,通过实际的机器人测试程序进行操纵。