Deep attractor networks (DANs) perform speech separation with discriminative embeddings and speaker attractors. Compared with methods based on the permutation invariant training (PIT), DANs define a deep embedding space and deliver a more elaborate representation on each time-frequency (T-F) bin. However, it has been observed that the DANs achieve limited improvement on the signal quality if directly deployed in a reverberant environment. Following the success of time-domain separation networks on the clean mixture speech, we propose a time-domain DAN (TD-DAN) with two-streams of convolutional networks, which efficiently perform both dereverberation and separation tasks under the condition of a variable number of speakers. The speaker encoding stream (SES) of the TD-DAN is trained to model the speaker information in the embedding space. The speech decoding stream (SDS) accepts speaker attractors from the SES and learns to estimate early reflections from the spectro-temporal representations. Meanwhile, additional clustering losses are used to bridge the gap between the oracle and the estimated attractors. Experiments were conducted on the Spatialized Multi-Speaker Wall Street Journal (SMS-WSJ) dataset. The early reflection was compared with the anechoic and reverberant signals and then was chosen as the learning targets. The experimental results demonstrated that the TD-DAN achieved scale-invariant source-to-distortion ratio (SI-SDR) gains of 9.79/7.47 dB on the reverberant 2/3-speaker evaluation set, exceeding the baseline DAN and convolutional time-domain audio separation network (Conv-TasNet) by 1.92/0.68 dB and 0.91/0.47 dB, respectively.
翻译:深色吸引者网络(Dans)与歧视性嵌入器和扬声器吸引器进行语音分离。 与基于变换培训的方法相比, Dans 定义深层嵌入空间,并在每个时频(T-F) bin 上提供更精细的演示。 然而,据观察,如果直接在回旋环境中部署,DARD在信号质量上取得了有限的改进。 在清洁混合演讲的时空分隔网络成功之后,我们提议使用一个具有双流的动态网络(TD-DAN),同时使用双流的同流网络,在变异式的发言者条件下高效地执行变异和分离任务。 TD-DARD(S) 发言者编码流(S-S-SDR) 在嵌入空间定位器直接接收语音吸引器,并学会通过光谱选择的演示来估计早期反射结果。 同时,还使用额外的集群损失来缩小了Oorcer和估计的螺旋流- BRestal- main- main- mainal- reportal- sal- sal- laudateal-deal-deal- sal- sal- sal-deal-deal- remadrevational- sal- sal- sal- sal-deal-deal-deal-deal-deal- real- sal- sal- sal- sal- ladal- lad- ladal- sal- ladaldal- ladal- ladal- ladal-dal-dal- sal- ladal-dal-dal-dal-daldal-dal-dal-dal-dal-d-dal-d-dal-dal-dal-deal-deal-dal-dal-dal-daldaldal-dal-daldaldal-dal-dal-dal-dal-deal-demental-deal-deal-dal-deal-s-deal-deal-deal-dealdaldal-deal-deal-deal-deal-deal-deal-deal-