Researching the conditions for the emergence of life -- not necessarily as it is, but as it could be -- is one of the main goals of Artificial Life. Artificial Chemistries are one of the most important tools in this endeavour, as they allow us to investigate the process by which metabolisms capable of self-reproduction and -- ultimately -- of evolving, might have emerged. While previous work has shown promising results in this direction, it is still unclear which are the fundamental properties of a chemical system that enable emergent structures to arise. To this end, here we present an Artificial Chemistry based on Combinatory Logic, a Turing-complete rewriting system, which relies on a minimal set of possible reactions. Our experiments show that a single run of this chemistry starting from a tabula rasa state discovers with no external intervention a wide range of emergent structures, including autopoietic structures that maintain their organisation unchanged, others that grow recursively, and most notably, patterns that reproduce themselves, duplicating their number on each cycle. All of these structures take the form of recursive algorithms that acquire basic constituents from the environment and decompose them in a process that is remarkably similar to biological metabolisms.
翻译:研究生命出现的条件 -- -- 不一定如此,但可能如此 -- -- 是人工生命的主要目标之一。人工化学是这一努力中最重要的工具之一,因为这些工具使我们能够调查能够自我再生产的新陈代谢以及 -- -- 最终 -- -- 演变中的新陈代谢可能已经出现的过程。虽然以前的工作已经表明朝这个方向取得有希望的结果,但尚不清楚哪些是化学系统的基本特性,使新兴结构能够产生。为此,我们在此展示了基于综合逻辑的人工化学,一个图灵完整的重写系统,它依赖于最低限度的一套可能反应。我们的实验表明,从一个塔布拉拉萨邦开始的这一化学的单一运行过程在没有外部干预的情况下发现了广泛的新兴结构,包括保持其组织不变的自生结构,其他的再生结构,特别是使每个周期重复其数字的形态。所有这些结构都以从环境获得基本成分的复现算法的形式,将其转化为一个非常相似的代生过程。