Location-based services are getting more popular day by day. Finding nearby stores, proximity-based marketing, on-road service assistance, etc., are some of the services that use location-based services. In location-based services, user information like user identity, user query, and location must be protected. Ma et al. (INFOCOM-BigSecurity 2019) proposed a privacy-preserving location-based service using Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE). Their protocol uses edge nodes that compute on SHE encrypted location data and determines the $k$-nearest points of interest contained in the Location-based Server (LBS) without revealing the original user coordinates to LBS, hence, ensuring privacy of users locations. In this work, we show that the above protocol by Ma et al. has a critical flaw. In particular, we show that their secure comparison protocol has a correctness issue in that it will not lead to correct comparison. A major consequence of this flaw is that straightforward approaches to fix this issue will make their protocol insecure. Namely, the LBS will be able to recover the actual locations of the users in each and every query.
翻译:基于位置的服务日复一日地越来越受欢迎。 寻找附近的商店、 近距离营销、 在线服务援助等是使用基于位置服务的一些服务。 在基于位置的服务中,用户信息,如用户身份、用户查询和地点必须受到保护。 Ma et al. (INFOCOM-Big Security 2019) 提议使用Somewhome Comodry加密(SHE) 提供基于隐私的基于位置的服务。他们的协议使用边节点,根据SHE加密的定位数据计算,确定基于位置服务器(LBS)中包含的$k$-near利益点,而不向LBS披露原始用户坐标,从而确保用户的隐私。 在这项工作中,我们显示Ma et al. 的上述协议有一个关键的缺陷。 我们特别表明,他们的安全比较协议有一个正确的问题, 因为它不会导致准确的比较。 这种缺陷的一个主要后果是, 直接解决这个问题的方法会使其协议变得不安全。 也就是说, LBS 能够恢复每个问题中用户的实际位置。