The security of learnable image encryption schemes for image classification using deep neural networks against several attacks has been discussed. On the other hand, block scrambling image encryption using the vision transformer has been proposed, which applies to lossless compression methods such as JPEG standard by dividing an image into permuted blocks. Although robustness of the block scrambling image encryption against jigsaw puzzle solver attacks that utilize a correlation among the blocks has been evaluated under the condition of a large number of encrypted blocks, the security of encrypted images with a small number of blocks has never been evaluated. In this paper, the security of the block scrambling image encryption against ciphertext-only attacks is evaluated by using jigsaw puzzle solver attacks.
翻译:已经讨论了利用深神经网络对几次攻击进行图像分类的可学习图像加密方案的安全性。 另一方面,已经提出了使用视觉变压器进行图像加密的块分割式图像安全性,这适用于无损压缩方法,如JPEG标准,通过将图像分割成不固定的块块。虽然在大量加密区块的条件下,已经评估了利用各区块之间关联的拼图解答器攻击的块块拼拼图加密的稳健性,但用少量块块的加密图像的安全性从未进行过评估。 在本文中,使用拼图解谜器攻击的块拼图加密图像加密安全性得到了评估。