We present the results and findings of the 2nd Swiss German speech to Standard German text shared task at SwissText 2022. Participants were asked to build a sentence-level Swiss German speech to Standard German text system specialized on the Grisons dialect. The objective was to maximize the BLEU score on a test set of Grisons speech. 3 teams participated, with the best-performing system achieving a BLEU score of 70.1.
翻译:我们介绍了瑞士德国第二篇演讲的结果和结论,这是瑞士标准德文在瑞士图文2022年版《瑞士图文》中共同承担的任务,与会者被要求在标准德文系统中建立瑞士德文的句级演讲,专门研究格列弗斯方言,目的是在格列弗斯的一套测试演讲中最大限度地提高BLEU分数。 3个小组参加了,最优秀的系统达到了BLEU70.1分。