One of the main limitations in the field of audio signal processing is the lack of large public datasets with audio representations and high-quality annotations due to restrictions of copyrighted commercial music. We present Melon Playlist Dataset, a public dataset of mel-spectrograms for 649,091tracks and 148,826 associated playlists annotated by 30,652 different tags. All the data is gathered from Melon, a popular Korean streaming service. The dataset is suitable for music information retrieval tasks, in particular, auto-tagging and automatic playlist continuation. Even though the latter can be addressed by collaborative filtering approaches, audio provides opportunities for research on track suggestions and building systems resistant to the cold-start problem, for which we provide a baseline. Moreover, the playlists and the annotations included in the Melon Playlist Dataset make it suitable for metric learning and representation learning.
翻译:音频信号处理领域的主要限制之一是,由于对有版权的商业音乐的限制,缺少大量具有音频表现和高质量说明的公共数据集,我们提供Melon Playlist数据集,这是一套649 091轨和148 826个附有30 652个不同标记的Mel-spectrogram的公开数据集。所有数据都是从广受欢迎的韩国流流服务Melon收集的。该数据集适合执行音乐信息检索任务,特别是自动标签和自动播放列表的延续。尽管后者可以通过合作过滤方法加以解决,但音频为研究轨道建议和建造耐冷启动问题的系统提供了机会,为此我们提供了基准。此外,Melon Playlist数据集中包含的播放列表和说明也使其适合于进行计量学习和演示学习。