In arXiv:2107.05714 the concept of the Voronoi diagram was investigated closely from a theoretical point of view. Then, a physics-driven kinematical method was introduced to produce an improved model for dominance space in soccer. Remaining faithful to the deterministic approach, we extend the original work by the introduction of (a) an asymmetric influence of the players in their surrounding area, (b) the frictional forces to the players' motion, and (c) the simultaneous combination of both effects. The asymmetric influence is fairly intuitive; players have more control in the direction they are running than any other direction. The sharper the turn they must make to reach a point on the pitch, the weaker their control of that point will be. From simple kinematical laws, this effect can be quantified explicitly. For the frictional force, a portion comes from air resistance, and so will be proportional to the square of the player's speed, as is well known from fluid dynamics. There are no other external frictional forces, but, at the suggestion of biokinematics, there is an internal frictional force, relating to the consumption of energy by the muscles, which is proportional to the player's speed. Although these additions are intuitively understood, mathematically they introduce many analytical complexities. We establish exact analytical solutions of the dominance areas of the pitch by introducing a few reasonable simplifying assumptions. Given these solutions the new Voronoi diagrams are drawn for the publicly available data by Metrica Sports. In general, it is not necessary anymore for the dominance regions to be convex, they might contain holes, and may be disconnected. The fastest player may dominate points far away from the rest of the players.
翻译:在 ArXiv 中: 210.70.5714 Voronoi 图表的概念是从理论角度仔细调查的。 然后, 采用了物理学驱动的运动学方法, 以产生一个更好的足球主导空间模型。 仍然忠实于确定性方法, 我们通过采用以下方法来扩展最初的工作:(a) 球员在其周边地区的不对称影响, (b) 摩擦力与球员的动作, (c) 这两种效果的同步组合。 不对称的影响是相当直观的; 球员在他们正在运行的方向上比任何其他方向上都有更大的控制。 然后, 他们必须更明确地改变他们到达球场上一个点的转弯, 他们对该点的控制会更弱。 从简单的运动法则可以明确量化。 对于摩擦力, 部分来自空气阻力, 以及(c) 球员速度的正方形, 正如人们所熟知的那样, 。 没有其它外部摩擦力, 但是, 在生物外观的暗示中,, 有一些内部摩擦力力力, 。 和数学的精确分析中, 我们的精度的精度分析中, 将很多的精度 。