We consider computations over networks with multiple broadcast channels that intersect at a single party. Each broadcast link suffers from random bit-flip noise that affects the receivers independently. We design interactive coding schemes that successfully perform any computation over these noisy networks and strive to reduce their communication overhead with respect to the original (noiseless) computation. A simple variant of a coding scheme by Rajagopalan and Schulman (STOC 1994) shows that any (noiseless) protocol of $R$ rounds can be reliably simulated in $O(R\log n)$ rounds over a network with $n=n_1n_2+1$ parties in which a single party is connected to $n_2$ noisy broadcast channels, each of which connects $n_1$ distinct parties. We design new coding schemes with improved overheads. Our approach divides the network into four regimes according to the relationship between $n_1$ and $n_2$. We employ a two-layer coding where the inner code protects each broadcast channel and is tailored to the specific conditions of the regime in consideration. The outer layer protects the computation in the network and is generally based on the scheme of Rajagopalan and Schulman, adapted to the case of broadcast channels. The overhead we obtain ranges from $O(\log\log n_2)$ to $O(\log n_2 \frac{\log\log n_1}{\log n_1})$ and beats the trivial $O(\log n)$ overhead in all four regimes.
翻译:我们考虑在多个广播频道的网络上计算一个单一方的交叉。 每个广播链接都有随机的位翻转噪音,独立地影响接收器。 我们设计互动编码计划, 成功地在这些吵闹的网络上进行任何计算, 并努力在原始( 无声)计算中减少它们的通信间接费用。 Rajagopalan 和 Schulman (STOC 1994) 的编码计划简单变式显示, 任何( 无声) 美元回合的( 无声) 协议都可以在$O (R\log n) $1 (R\log n) $1 (n_ 1n_ 2+1美元 美元) 的网络上可靠模拟。 在其中, 一个单一的政党与$_ 2美元 响亮的广播频道连接, 每一个都连接到$_ 1美元的不同政党。 我们的方法将网络的编码分为四个制度, $_ 1 美元 和 $2 美元 美元。 我们使用两层的编码, 保护每个广播频道, 并且根据制度的具体条件调整 n$_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ g_ g_ com_ g_ 的 的 的 的系统。