The Lightning Network (LN) has enjoyed rapid growth over recent years, and has become the most popular scaling solution for the Bitcoin blockchain. The security of the LN hinges on the ability of the nodes to close a channel by settling their balances, which requires confirming a transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain within a pre-agreed time period. This inherent timing restriction that the LN must satisfy, make it susceptible to attacks that seek to increase the congestion on the Bitcoin blockchain, thus preventing correct protocol execution. We study the susceptibility of the LN to \emph{mass exit} attacks, in the presence of a small coalition of adversarial nodes. This is a scenario where an adversary forces a large set of honest protocol participants to interact with the blockchain. We focus on two types of attacks: (i) The first is a \emph{zombie} attack, where a set of $k$ nodes become unresponsive with the goal to lock the funds of many channels for a period of time longer than what the LN protocol dictates. (ii) The second is a \emph{mass double-spend} attack, where a set of $k$ nodes attempt to steal funds by submitting many closing transactions that settle channels using expired protocol states; this causes many honest nodes to have to quickly respond by submitting invalidating transactions. We show via simulations that, under historically-plausible congestion conditions, with mild statistical assumptions on channel balances, both of the attacks can be performed by a very small coalition. To perform our simulations, we formulate the problem of finding a worst-case coalition of $k$ adversarial nodes as a graph cut problem. Our experimental findings are supported by a theoretical justification based on the scale-free topology of the LN.
翻译:闪亮网络( LN) 近些年来取得了快速增长, 并已成为比特币链块中最受欢迎的缩放解决方案 。 LN 的安全取决于节点是否有能力通过解决余额来关闭频道, 这需要确认比特币块链中交易在预先商定的时间期限内进行。 LN 必须满足这一固有的时间限制, 使得它很容易受到那些试图增加比特币块块块中拥塞从而阻止正确执行协议的进攻。 我们研究LN 是否容易对\emph{mas 退出} 攻击, 并且存在一个小型对抗性对立节点联盟的小型联盟联盟。 这样的情景是, 敌对方会迫使大批诚实的协议参与者在比特币链中互动。 我们专注于两种类型的攻击:(i) 第一种是emph{zmbiembief} 攻击, 其中一组美元节点变得不适应于目标, 目的是要锁定许多频道的资金, 比LN 协议所规定的时间更长。 (ii) 第二种是使用不真实的货币联盟 尝试进行双轨交易 。