We introduce a class of Sparse, Physics-based, and Interpretable Neural Networks (SPINN) for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. By reinterpreting a traditional meshless representation of solutions of PDEs we develop a class of sparse neural network architectures that are interpretable. The SPINN model we propose here serves as a seamless bridge between two extreme modeling tools for PDEs, dense neural network based methods and traditional mesh-free numerical methods, thereby providing a novel means to develop a new class of hybrid algorithms that build on the best of both these viewpoints. A unique feature of the SPINN model that distinguishes it from other neural network based approximations proposed earlier is that it is (i) fully interpretable, and (ii) sparse in the sense that it has much fewer connections than a dense neural network of the same size. Further, the SPINN algorithm implicitly encodes mesh adaptivity and is able to handle discontinuities in the solutions too. In addition we demonstrate that Fourier series representations can be expressed as a special class of SPINN and propose generalized neural network analogues of Fourier representations. We illustrate the utility of the proposed method with a variety of examples involving ordinary differential equations, elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic and nonlinear partial differential equations, and an example in fluid dynamics.
翻译:我们在此建议的 SPINN 模型是两种极端模型工具、 密集神经网络方法和传统的无网状数字方法之间的无缝桥梁, 从而提供了一种新型的混合算法, 建立在这两种观点的最好基础上。 SPINN 模型的一个独特特征是, 将它与先前提议的其他基于近似的神经网络区分开来, 因为它( i) 完全可以解释, 和 (ii) 稀疏, 因为它的连接远小于同一尺寸的稠密神经网络。 此外, SPINN 算法隐含了调适性, 并且能够处理解决方案中的不连续性。 此外, 我们证明, 4级序列表示可以表现为SPINN 的特殊类别, 并提议将它与先前提议的其他基于近似的神经网络区分开来, 其独特的特征是:(i) 完全可以解释的, 和(ii) 稀有, 因为它的连接度远小于同一尺寸的稠密神经网络。 此外, SPINN 算法隐含了适应性, 并能够处理解决方案中的不连续性。 此外, 我们证明, 4级的普通螺旋变等等等等等等式, 。