Diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance imaging is essential for the diagnosis and treatment of ischemic stroke. DW images (DWIs) are usually acquired in multi-slice settings where lesion areas in two consecutive 2D slices are highly discontinuous due to large slice thickness and sometimes even slice gaps. Therefore, although DWIs contain rich 3D information, they cannot be treated as regular 3D or 2D images. Instead, DWIs are somewhere in-between (or 2.5D) due to the volumetric nature but inter-slice discontinuities. Thus, it is not ideal to apply most existing segmentation methods as they are designed for either 2D or 3D images. To tackle this problem, we propose a new neural network architecture tailored for segmenting highly-discontinuous 2.5D data such as DWIs. Our network, termed LambdaUNet, extends UNet by replacing convolutional layers with our proposed Lambda+ layers. In particular, Lambda+ layers transform both intra-slice and inter-slice context around a pixel into linear functions, called lambdas, which are then applied to the pixel to produce informative 2.5D features. LambdaUNet is simple yet effective in combining sparse inter-slice information from adjacent slices while also capturing dense contextual features within a single slice. Experiments on a unique clinical dataset demonstrate that LambdaUNet outperforms existing 3D/2D image segmentation methods including recent variants of UNet. Code for LambdaUNet will be released with the publication to facilitate future research.
翻译:DW 磁共振成像虽然含有丰富的 3D 信息,但不能作为常规 3D 或 2D 图像处理。 相反, DW 处于(或 2.5D ) 之间的某处,因为体积性质是体积的,而切片间断。 因此, DW 图像(DW)通常在多切环境中获得。 DW 图像(DW ) 通常是在多切环境中获得的,因为由于大切片厚度很大,有时甚至切片间断,导致连续两个 2D 切片的损害区域高度不连续。 因此,为了解决这个问题,我们提议建立一个新的神经网络结构,专门用来分割高度不连续的 2.5D 数据, 如 DWI 。 我们称为 LambdaUNet 的网络不能被作为常规 3D 或 2D 图像处理。 特别是, 兰巴加+ 将内切和间断层环境环境变异性地转换成线性功能, 。 因此, 将被称为 lambadda/2 UN Creaddal 的 etrial creal creal creal creal deal dealation ex dreald 数据化成最近的联合国 。