The inexpressive Description Logic (DL) $\mathcal{FL}_0$, which has conjunction and value restriction as its only concept constructors, had fallen into disrepute when it turned out that reasoning in $\mathcal{FL}_0$ w.r.t. general TBoxes is ExpTime-complete, i.e., as hard as in the considerably more expressive logic $\mathcal{ALC}$. In this paper, we rehabilitate $\mathcal{FL}_0$ by presenting a dedicated subsumption algorithm for $\mathcal{FL}_0$, which is much simpler than the tableau-based algorithms employed by highly optimized DL reasoners. Our experiments show that the performance of our novel algorithm, as prototypically implemented in our $\mathcal{FL}_o$wer reasoner, compares very well with that of the highly optimized reasoners. $\mathcal{FL}_o$wer can also deal with ontologies written in the extension $\mathcal{FL}_{\bot}$ of $\mathcal{FL}_0$ with the top and the bottom concept by employing a polynomial-time reduction, shown in this paper, which eliminates top and bottom. We also investigate the complexity of reasoning in DLs related to the Horn-fragments of $\mathcal{FL}_0$ and $\mathcal{FL}_{\bot}$.
翻译:直言解说逻辑( DL) $\ mathcal{FL{FL{%0$), 其组合和价值限制是其唯一的概念构建者, 当结果显示 $\ mathcal{FL ⁇ 0$ w.r.t. 一般的Tboxs 的推理是耗尽时间的, 也就是, 和远为更清晰的逻辑 $\ mathcal{FL{FL{{FL{%0$ 的推理一样困难。 在本文中, 我们通过为 $\ mathcal{FLl{FL ⁇ 0$ 提出一个专用的子包算算法, 这比高优化的Dlexcal_ bal_ blorxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx