Previous models for learning the semantic vectors of items and their groups, such as words, sentences, nodes, and graphs, using distributed representation have been based on the assumption that an item corresponds to one vector composed of dimensions corresponding to hidden contexts in the target. Multiple senses of an item are represented by assigning a vector to each of the domains where the item may appear or reflecting the context to the sense of the item. However, there may be multiple distinct senses of an item that change or evolve dynamically, according to the contextual shift or the emergence of novel contexts even within one domain, similar to a living entity evolving with environmental shifts. Setting the scope of disambiguity of items for sensemaking, the author presents a method in which a word or item in the data embraces multiple semantic vectors that evolve via interaction with others, similar to a cell embracing chromosomes crossing over with each other. We obtained two preliminary results: (1) the role of a word that evolves to acquire the largest or lower-middle variance of semantic vectors tends to be explainable by the author of the text; (2) the epicenters of earthquakes that acquire larger variance via crossover, corresponding to the interaction with diverse areas of land crust, are likely to correspond to the epicenters of forthcoming large earthquakes.