If a graph $G$ can be represented by means of paths on a grid, such that each vertex of $G$ corresponds to one path on the grid and two vertices of $G$ are adjacent if and only if the corresponding paths share a grid edge, then this graph is called EPG and the representation is called EPG representation. A $k$-bend EPG representation is an EPG representation in which each path has at most $k$ bends. The class of all graphs that have a $k$-bend EPG representation is denoted by $B_k$. $B_\ell^m$ is the class of all graphs that have a monotonic (each path is ascending in both columns and rows) $\ell$-bend EPG representation. It is known that $B_k^m \subsetneqq B_k$ holds for $k=1$. We prove that $B_k^m \subsetneqq B_k$ holds also for $k \in \{2, 3, 5\}$ and for $k \geqslant 7$ by investigating the $B_k$-membership and $B_k^m$-membership of complete bipartite graphs. In particular, we derive necessary conditions for this membership that have to be fulfilled by $m$, $n$ and $k$, where $m$ and $n$ are the number of vertices on the two partition classes of the bipartite graph. We conjecture that $B_{k}^{m} \subsetneqq B_{k}$ holds also for $k\in \{4,6\}$. Furthermore, we show that $B_k \not\subseteq B_{2k-9}^m$ holds for all $k\geqslant 5$. This implies that restricting the shape of the paths can lead to a significant increase of the number of bends needed in an EPG representation. So far no bounds on the amount of that increase were known. We prove that $B_1 \subseteq B_3^m$ holds, providing the first result of this kind.
翻译:如果一个图形 $2 G$ 可以用网格上的路径表示, 那么每张 G$ 的顶点对应在网格上的一条路径, 而两张 G$ 的顶点是相邻的, 如果并且只有相应的路径共享网格边缘, 那么这个图形被称为 EPG, 其代表被称为 EPG 代表 。 $k$ bend EPG 代表是一个 EPG 代表, 其中每个路径最多有 $k 的弯曲 。 所有具有 $k$ bend EPG 代表的图表类别, 每个 $6 G$ 的顶点对应在网格上的一条路径上, $美元。 $ $ 0. 0. 0. 美元 美元, 美元 美元是 美元 美元 。 美元= 美元 =k 代表 $. 美元 美元 代表 美元 。 美元 美元 美元=k 美元= 美元 美元 。 美元= 美元= 美元= 美元= 美元=