Building machine learning models using EEG recorded outside of the laboratory setting requires methods robust to noisy data and randomly missing channels. This need is particularly great when working with sparse EEG montages (1-6 channels), often encountered in consumer-grade or mobile EEG devices. Neither classical machine learning models nor deep neural networks trained end-to-end on EEG are typically designed or tested for robustness to corruption, and especially to randomly missing channels. While some studies have proposed strategies for using data with missing channels, these approaches are not practical when sparse montages are used and computing power is limited (e.g., wearables, cell phones). To tackle this problem, we propose dynamic spatial filtering (DSF), a multi-head attention module that can be plugged in before the first layer of a neural network to handle missing EEG channels by learning to focus on good channels and to ignore bad ones. We tested DSF on public EEG data encompassing ~4,000 recordings with simulated channel corruption and on a private dataset of ~100 at-home recordings of mobile EEG with natural corruption. Our proposed approach achieves the same performance as baseline models when no noise is applied, but outperforms baselines by as much as 29.4% accuracy when significant channel corruption is present. Moreover, DSF outputs are interpretable, making it possible to monitor channel importance in real-time. This approach has the potential to enable the analysis of EEG in challenging settings where channel corruption hampers the reading of brain signals.
翻译:在实验室设置之外记录到的利用EEG的机器学习模型,使用在实验室设置之外记录到的EEG的机器学习模型,要求采用稳健的方法来收集数据,随机缺失的渠道。在与分散的EEG配对器(1-6频道)一起工作时,这种需要尤其巨大,因为消费者级或移动式 EEEG 设备中经常遇到的分散的 EEEG 配对器(1-6频道),在消费者级或移动式 EEEG 设备中经常遇到这种需要。无论是古典的机器学习模型还是经过培训的深层神经网络,在设计或测试EEEEG 终端到端对腐败的强力性,特别是随机缺失的渠道。虽然有些研究提出了利用缺少的渠道使用数据来使用数据的战略,但这些方法并不实用,在使用零星位时,如果使用移动式EEEEG系统(磨损)的智能记录,但计算能力是有限的。我们所提议的方法实现了动态空间过滤器(DSF ) 的准确性,当EEEEF 的基线模型是可能的时,这种精确性模型是巨大的。