Understanding causality has vital importance for various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. Beyond the labeled instances, conceptual explanations of the causality can provide deep understanding of the causal facts to facilitate the causal reasoning process. However, such explanation information still remains absent in existing causal reasoning resources. In this paper, we fill this gap by presenting a human-annotated explainable CAusal REasoning dataset (e-CARE), which contains over 21K causal reasoning questions, together with natural language formed explanations of the causal questions. Experimental results show that generating valid explanations for causal facts still remains especially challenging for the state-of-the-art models, and the explanation information can be helpful for promoting the accuracy and stability of causal reasoning models.
翻译:理解因果关系对于各种自然语言处理(NLP)应用至关重要。除了有标签的例子外,对因果关系的概念解释可以提供对因果关系事实的深刻理解,以便利因果关系推理过程。然而,现有的因果推理资源中仍然缺乏这种解释信息。在本文件中,我们填补这一空白的方法是提出一个具有注释说明的可解释的Causal reasson数据集(e-CARE),其中载有21K以上因果推理问题,以及自然语言构成对因果关系问题的解释。实验结果显示,为因果关系事实提供有效解释对于最新模型来说仍然特别具有挑战性,解释信息有助于促进因果推理模型的准确性和稳定性。