Subset selection, which aims to select a subset from a ground set to maximize some objective function, arises in various applications such as influence maximization and sensor placement. In real-world scenarios, however, one often needs to find a subset which is robust against (i.e., is good over) a number of possible objective functions due to uncertainty, resulting in the problem of robust subset selection. This paper considers robust subset selection with monotone objective functions, relaxing the submodular property required by previous studies. We first show that the greedy algorithm can obtain an approximation ratio of $1-e^{-\beta\gamma}$, where $\beta$ and $\gamma$ are the correlation and submodularity ratios of the objective functions, respectively; and then propose EPORSS, an evolutionary Pareto optimization algorithm that can utilize more time to find better subsets. We prove that EPORSS can also be theoretically grounded, achieving a similar approximation guarantee to the greedy algorithm. In addition, we derive the lower bound of $\beta$ for the application of robust influence maximization, and further conduct experiments to validate the performance of the greedy algorithm and EPORSS.
翻译:子集选择旨在从地面一组中选择子集,以最大限度地实现某些客观功能,这种子集选择产生于各种应用,例如影响最大化和感官定位等。然而,在现实世界情景中,人们往往需要找到一个子集,该子集因不确定性而具有很强的(即优于)若干可能的客观功能,从而导致稳健子集选择问题。本文认为,具有单一目标功能的子集选择是稳健的子集,放松以往研究所要求的亚模式属性。我们首先表明,贪婪算法可以得到1美元-e ⁇ -\beta\gamma}的近似比,其中美元和$\gamma$分别是目标函数的关联和亚模式比;然后提出EPORS,即进化的Pareto优化算法,可以利用更多时间找到更好的子集。我们证明,EPORSS还可以有理论依据,实现与贪婪算法类似的近似保证。此外,我们得出,在应用稳健影响最大化方面,以$\beta$为较低的约束,并进一步进行实验,以验证贪婪算法和ORS的表现。