(Bi)orthogonal (multi)wavelets on the real line have been extensively studied and employed in applications with success. A lot of problems in applications are defined on bounded intervals or domains. Therefore, it is important in both theory and application to construct all possible wavelets on intervals with some desired properties from (bi)orthogonal (multi)wavelets on the real line. Vanishing moments of compactly supported wavelets are the key property for sparse wavelet representations and are closely linked to polynomial reproduction of their underlying refinable (vector) functions. Boundary wavelets with low order vanishing moments often lead to undesired boundary artifacts as well as reduced sparsity and approximation orders near boundaries in applications. From any arbitrarily given compactly supported (bi)orthogonal multiwavelet on the real line, in this paper we propose two different approaches to construct/derive all possible locally supported (bi)orthogonal (multi)wavelets on $[0,\infty)$ or $[0,1]$ with or without prescribed vanishing moments, polynomial reproduction, and/or homogeneous boundary conditions. The first approach generalizes the classical approach from scalar wavelets to multiwavelets, while the second approach is direct without explicitly involving any dual refinable functions and dual multiwavelets. (Multi)wavelets on intervals satisfying homogeneous boundary conditions will also be addressed. Though constructing orthogonal (multi)wavelets on intervals is much easier than their biorthogonal counterparts, we show that some boundary orthogonal wavelets cannot have any vanishing moments if these orthogonal (multi)wavelets on intervals satisfy the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. Several examples of orthogonal and biorthogonal multiwavelets on the interval $[0,1]$ will be provided to illustrate our construction approaches and proposed algorithms.
翻译:(Bi) 直线上的快速波(多波) 流流的瞬间是稀疏的波形表示器的关键属性,并且与多流( Vector) 的多流( Victor) 函数紧密相连。 低顺序消失时的边界波状往往会导致不理想的边界线状动画以及应用程序中靠近边界的松散和近似命令。 因此,在理论和应用程序中,重要的是用真实线上的( 双) orthogoal( 多波状( 多波状) 的蒸发时刻是稀疏的波状表示器的关键属性, 并且与基底的直流( Victoral) 直流( $0,\ infty) 或 $ $( $50) 直流( or) 直流( or folor) 的多波状波状( or milletrial) 直径( or milletrial) 直径( or) 直径( ral) 直径( ral milletrial) or) 直径( or) 直径( 直径) 直径或直径( 直径( 直径) 直径) 或直径( 直径( 直径) 或直径( 直径) 直径) 直径) 或直径( 直径( 直径) 或直径( 直径流) 直径( 直径) 直线) 直径( 或直径( 直径) 直径( 直径) 直径) 直) 或直) 直) 直线) 直线) 或直) 。