We propose an incremental improvement to Fully Convolutional Data Description (FCDD), an adaptation of the one-class classification approach from anomaly detection to image anomaly segmentation (a.k.a. anomaly localization). We analyze its original loss function and propose a substitute that better resembles its predecessor, the Hypersphere Classifier (HSC). Both are compared on the MVTec Anomaly Detection Dataset (MVTec-AD) -- training images are flawless objects/textures and the goal is to segment unseen defects -- showing that consistent improvement is achieved by better designing the pixel-wise supervision.
翻译:我们建议逐步改进全面演变数据说明(FCDD),将单级分类方法从异常检测改为图像异常分解(a.k.a.异常本地化)。我们分析其原始损失功能,并提议一个更像其前身超视距分类(HSC)的替代功能。两者都比较了MVTec异常探测数据集(MVTec-AD) -- -- 培训图像是无瑕疵的物体/文字,目标是分解看不见的缺陷 -- -- 表明通过更好地设计像素监督,可以取得一致的改进。