We consider here a cell-centered finite difference approximation of the Richards equation in three dimensions, averaging for interface values the hydraulic conductivity $K=K(p)$, a highly nonlinear function, by arithmetic, upstream, and harmonic means. The nonlinearities in the equation can lead to changes in soil conductivity over several orders of magnitude and discretizations with respect to space variables often produce stiff systems of differential equations. Fully implicit time discretization is provided by backward Euler one-step formula; the resulting nonlinear algebraic system is solved by an inexact Newton Armijo-Goldstein algorithm, requiring the solution of a sequence of linear systems involving Jacobian matrices. We prove some new results concerning the distribution of the Jacobians eigenvalues and the explicit expression of their entries. Moreover, we explore some connections between the saturation of the soil and the ill-conditioning of the Jacobians. The information on eigenvalues justifies the effectiveness of some preconditioner approaches which are widely used in the solution of the Richards equation. We propose a new software framework to experiment with scalable and robust preconditioners suitable for efficient parallel simulations at very large scales. Performance results on a literature test case show that our framework is very promising in the advance towards realistic simulations at extreme scale.
翻译:我们在这里考虑的是理查德方程式三个维度的以细胞为中心的有限差异近似值, 平均界面值为液压导量 $K=K(p)$, 一种高度非线性功能, 通过算术、 上游和口音等手段。 方程式中的非线性能可能导致土壤传导性的变化, 空间变量的大小和分解导致土壤传导性的变化。 完全隐含的时间分解由落后的 Euler 单步公式提供; 由此产生的非线性代数系统由非线性牛顿 Armijo- Goldstein 算法解决, 需要解决涉及Jacobian 矩阵的线性系统序列。 我们证明关于Jacobian eigen值分布及其条目的清晰表达的一些新结果。 此外, 我们探索土壤饱和度和度与Jacobian 方程式的错误调节之间的某些联系。 有关egenvalent 时间分解由落后的Eumber 单步公式提供; 由此产生的非线性代代代代代代代代数系统系统通过不一行法的牛顿 。 我们提议一个新的软件框架, 实验性框架, 实验要用一个涉及Jacocobians prillable imillable eximilling eximactalalal ex eximal eximal ex ex ex ex ex ex exal ex exitalital sual sual ex suless sules sual sual ex ex sualital