We present solidfmm, a highly optimised C++ library for the solid harmonics as they are needed in fast multipole methods. The library provides efficient, vectorised implementations of the translation operations M2M, M2L, and L2L, and is available as free software. While asymptotically of complexity $O(P^3)$, for all practically relevant expansion orders, the translation operators display an empirical complexity of $O(P^2)$, outperforming the na\"ive implementation by orders of magnitude.
翻译:我们展示了固体纤维,这是一个高度优化的C+++图书馆,用于使用快速多极方法所需的固态口音。图书馆提供高效的、矢量化的M2M、M2L和L2L翻译操作实施,并且作为免费软件提供。 虽然复杂程度微不足道,但对于所有实际相关的扩展订单来说,翻译操作员都展示了经验复杂性为O(P2)2美元,在数量级上超过了“na”执行。