Physical unclonable functions(PUFs) provide a unique fingerprint to a physical entity by exploiting the inherent physical randomness. Gao et al. discussed the vulnerability of most current-day PUFs to sophisticated machine learning-based attacks. We address this problem by integrating classical PUFs and existing quantum communication technology. Specifically, this paper proposes a generic design of provably secure PUFs, called hybrid locked PUFs(HLPUFs), providing a practical solution for securing classical PUFs. An HLPUF uses a classical PUF(CPUF), and encodes the output into non-orthogonal quantum states to hide the outcomes of the underlying CPUF from any adversary. Here we introduce a quantum lock to protect the HLPUFs from any general adversaries. The indistinguishability property of the non-orthogonal quantum states, together with the quantum lockdown technique prevents the adversary from accessing the outcome of the CPUFs. Moreover, we show that by exploiting non-classical properties of quantum states, the HLPUF allows the server to reuse the challenge-response pairs for further client authentication. This result provides an efficient solution for running PUF-based client authentication for an extended period while maintaining a small-sized challenge-response pairs database on the server side. Later, we support our theoretical contributions by instantiating the HLPUFs design using accessible real-world CPUFs. We use the optimal classical machine-learning attacks to forge both the CPUFs and HLPUFs, and we certify the security gap in our numerical simulation for construction which is ready for implementation.
翻译:物理上无法调节的功能(PUFs) 通过利用固有的物理随机性,为物理实体提供了独特的指纹。Gao等人讨论了大多数当前PUF对复杂的机器学习式袭击的脆弱性。我们通过整合古典PUF和现有的量子通信技术来解决这个问题。具体地说,本文件建议对可察觉安全的PUF进行通用设计,称为混合锁定PUF(HLPUFs),为保障古典PUFs提供切实可行的解决办法。HLPUF使用一种可获取的古典PUF(CPUF),并将输出编码成非直角量量子状态,以隐藏基础CPUF的任何对手。在这里,我们引入一个量子锁,以保护HLPUF和现有量子通信技术。与量子锁定技术一道,使对手无法访问CPUF的结果是,通过利用可理解性价素的液态PUF(CPUF),使服务器能够重新使用基础CPF的结果,同时使用硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬性硬