We consider a teacher-student model of supervised learning with a fully-trained 2-layer neural network whose width $k$ and input dimension $d$ are large and proportional. We compute the Bayes-optimal generalisation error of the network for any activation function in the regime where the number of training data $n$ scales quadratically with the input dimension, i.e., around the interpolation threshold where the number of trainable parameters $kd+k$ and of data points $n$ are comparable. Our analysis tackles generic weight distributions. Focusing on binary weights, we uncover a discontinuous phase transition separating a "universal" phase from a "specialisation" phase. In the first, the generalisation error is independent of the weight distribution and decays slowly with the sampling rate $n/d^2$, with the student learning only some non-linear combinations of the teacher weights. In the latter, the error is weight distribution-dependent and decays faster due to the alignment of the student towards the teacher network. We thus unveil the existence of a highly predictive solution near interpolation, which is however potentially hard to find.