The growing interest in developing corpora of persuasive texts has promoted applications in automated systems, e.g., debating and essay scoring systems; however, there is little prior work mining image persuasiveness from an argumentative perspective. To expand persuasiveness mining into a multi-modal realm, we present a multi-modal dataset, ImageArg, consisting of annotations of image persuasiveness in tweets. The annotations are based on a persuasion taxonomy we developed to explore image functionalities and the means of persuasion. We benchmark image persuasiveness tasks on ImageArg using widely-used multi-modal learning methods. The experimental results show that our dataset offers a useful resource for this rich and challenging topic, and there is ample room for modeling improvement.
翻译:对开发具有说服力的文本公司的兴趣日益浓厚,这促进了自动化系统的应用,例如辩论和作文评分系统;然而,从辩论角度出发,以往几乎没有工作采矿图像的说服力。为了将说服力采矿扩大到多模式领域,我们提出了一个多模式数据集,即图像Arg, 由推文中的图像说服力说明组成。说明基于我们开发的用于探索图像功能和说服手段的说服力分类。我们用广泛使用的多模式学习方法将图像Arg的说服力任务基准化。实验结果表明,我们的数据集为这个丰富而富有挑战性的专题提供了有用的资源,建模改进的余地很大。